Saturday, October 22, 2011

Welcome to my Happy Place

Have you ever wondered what my Happy Place looks like?  Lucky for you, I took pictures.   Yes, that really is three grown women in Cat costumes singing 'We Are Siamese' in a giant blue basket.   A-one and A-two and A!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sleevoncho! (*clap, clap*)

So, I think I might be in love with my sleevoncho.  It is a poncho with sleeves that my mother gave me Saturday.  They aren't full sleeves, just the forearm part of sleeves then connecting to the poncho portion of the garment- kind of like bat wings, if that helps/makes it more badass and dangerous.  I was a little skeptical when I opened it- I've always had a thing against ponchos.  A poncho killed my dog when I was 8 They aren't flattering at all- they look decent on skinny girls, but that is only because one can tell from their gaunt faces and stick legs at there isn't a bunch of undefined mass hiding beneath the cable knit tent they are wearing.  I worry that will people might think I'm hiding an illegitimate pregnancy under there- that how teenagers have babies in bathrooms when no one even knew they were knocked up-  I learned that on Law and Order SVU.  But really, for some reason, I generally assume/fear that ponchos are disguising some sort of deformity.  Hunchbacks- try it out- no one will be able to tell.  Have an underdeveloped Siamese twin that detaches at night and pulls itself around by its arms like that episode of X-Files I once saw?  Don't worry- ponchos have you covered.    

The sleevoncho changed all that.  Sure, I probably won't ever wear it in public (although, if I ever decide to really let myself go, this could be negotiable) but it will definitely get a lot of wear time around the house.  My new found love for the sleevoncho makes me want to share the joy of it with others, and I've decided the best way to do that is with an infomercial.  I want it to be a lot like the Snuggie commercials- full of things that are too hard or too dangerous to do while wearing a poncho.  There would be a shot of a girl almost crashing her bicycle because her poncho got blown up over her face.  A soccer mom at a game with frost bitten arms because her poncho leaves them exposed.  Some almost choking her self when her hand gets caught in pompom trim while reaching for the phone on the wall.    A lady at work afraid to use the paper shredder because you're not supposed to operate it while wearing loose fitting clothing.  Then there would be the sleevoncho song - (Sleevoncho! *clap, clap* the freedom of a poncho with the safety of sleeves!). And then of course, all of the same shots- only with smiles because the Sleevoncho is perfect!